Monday, October 20, 2008

7th and 8th Grade Homework Due Thursday

Under Class Resources are the links that will bring you to the "surveys".
Complete each one and record in your notebooks what the survey results are. Does the survey say you support McCain or Obama?

Then post a brief reflection on the process, everything we have been doing in class and the surveys, on the blog. Your post should be a well written, well edited paragraph that answers the following questions:

1. Do any results not match up? For example, do both surveys have you supporting the same candidate? In class we figured out what your political party might be-does your political party decision support the candidate the survey says you support?
Example-in class you might have been a Democrat but the surveys match you to McCain, or each survey gives you a different answer.

2. Which do you think is more important-your political party or matching your beliefs to those of the candidates no matter their political party?

3. Should you vote on the issues or should you support a political party-even if you do not agree with the candidate?

An example of a post can be found here:


banta said...

In my surveys, I was matched up with Barak Obama and in class I was a democrat, no weird things there.

It matters more that you are matching your beleifs and how you think this country should be run.

You should vote for the issues because the candidates represent how America should be run.

Anonymous said...

In class, I was matched up as a democrat, and on survey 2, I was matched up with Obama and on survey 1, I was matched up with McCain.
Matching your beliefs to the candidate matters much more than the party the candidate is from. For example, if you like Obama and you are a republican, it doesn't matter because you believe what Obama believes.
You should vote for the issues rather than a political party because the issues are what are most important in the election. If you vote for the political party rather then the issues, and you don't agree with the candidate, you are voting for the wrong person. The issues are more important than the political party.

Anonymous said...

In class I was matched as a democrat, and on both surveys it showed that I agreed with Obama.
I think that matching your beliefs with the candidate is more important than the political party the candidate is from.
I think that you should vote on the issue not their political party because the issues are the most important part.

Anonymous said...

In class I was an independent and in the surveys it said I was a democrat.

It matters more about matching your beliefs with what person you like not what party. I don't even understand why a supposedly free great nation has so blatantly split our government in two groups. We could have missed out on great possible presidents just because some people vote with the party not with the issue.

Anonymous said...

In both of the surveys I took I matched up with

Barack Obama and in class I had the democrat party, so that’s not strange to me.

I think that matching my beliefs to the candidate is way more important then a political party. Sure you believe the same ideas as your political party but it’s more about the beliefs that you have that match up to the candidate.

When I vote I will be voting on the candidate I agree most with on the issues on the US, not because of the party. Even if I dislike the candidate but I still agree with his or her idea I would vote for them.

Anonymous said...

After I took the surveys, i was matched up with John McCain for both. And in class, when we answered the "Should the Government..." questions, over half of my answers were "Republican answers".

I think no matter what the political party, you should vote the candidate that has the same beliefs as you.

I think that because if you just choose the candidate that is in your political party, but on the issues you don't agree with them... there is no point in voting for him/her. Also, it may be partly your fault if you just vote for the candidate that is in your party, and they aren't doing such a great job.

Anonymous said...

in the survey, obama won, and in the packet we did in wellman i was a democrat. so i think the quiz was very accurate.

Anonymous said...

In class and on both tests, I was matched to be a democrat. In class my results were almost a tie but I had one more on the democrat side. I think that matching your beliefs to the candidates matters a lot more than your political party. Say you were a democrat but you didn’t like Obama’s ideas, it would make no sense to vote for him just for the reason that you are a democrat. I think that you should vote on the issues. If you like one president that you think could resolve all of/ most of the issues the way that you want them to be resolved, you should vote for them. The issues are the most important part of the presidential election.

Anonymous said...

On the survey I ran into some interesting things. On survey 1 I was a republican. In class I was also a republican. But On survey 2 I was democratic. I think that Issues matter more than the candidates themselves. On survey 2 I was not really understanding what each candidate was trying to get across. The candidates were talking as if like the stuff was only going to be heard by adults. I think each candidate has important ideas on the issues. I think just because you maybe republican or democratic doesn’t you should vote on what matters.

Anonymous said...

1. In the worksheet we did, i tied for Democrat and Republican, so that would make me independent. On the online survey I ended up being a democrat.

2. I think both sides are pretty important, some of the beliefs i have are the beliefs of McCain, but most of my beliefs matched up with Obama. I also think if there were other candidates running, i may change political parties.

3. I think its really important that you vote on the issues, that need to be dealt with. You may think you like one candidate, but your beliefs match up with the other.

Anonymous said...

On both of my surveys they showed that I supported Barak Obama for the presidential campaign. The sheet we did in class showed that I was exactly in the middle of the election campaign. I think it’s more important to vote on the issues that they would help instead of which group they’re for. I think it’s more important to vote for someone how believes in the same things as you instead of voting for someone because of which political group their in.

Anonymous said...

In class I agreed with John McCain.
On both the surveys, I agreed with John McCain. Notice I didn't say the Republican Party, because obviously your not going to agree with a whole party or even a candidate. I beleave that you should go with the candidate who beleaves in the same things as you politically. So you can vote Democrat one election and than Republican the next if the Republican has the same political veiws on the issues you do. You shouldn't stick to a party you should stick to your veiws.

Anonymous said...

In every survey I had the same answer In class I was agreeing with Mccain in class with survey 1 I agreed with Mccain and on survey 2 I also agreed with Mccain.

It’s more important you match you beliefs because you should go with person who has the same beliefs as you to be in charge of the country.

You should vote for the issues because the candidates want to make America the best it can be

Anonymous said...

3. Well in class i was a democrat and in my surveys I was on Barrack Obamas side. But I was only one his side by a mere 10% on survey #1 and on survey #2 it was way on Obamas side.

2. It matters in the belief of matching the canidate not the political party. To make sure the country is run well.

3. Vote on issues rather than supporting the political party because it will depend on how this country is ran.

Anonymous said...

In class I was a democrat. On survey 1 and 2, I was matched up with Obama.

I think it is important to go with what you believe and not just the political party. But In the end you have to choose one or the other. You can’t take the right arm of one candidate and the left arm of the other candidate.

I think you should vote on the issues not the political party. The issues are the things that matter most not the political party.

Anonymous said...

In class i was matched as a republican and in both surveys, it said that i agreed with McCain.

What matters to me, is that I am matching the beliefs that I pick, and base it on who should run for president.

I think you should vote for the issues because you want to pick the right president for the United States and not just for the political party. You should be able to choose the issues that you would want to mainly focus on.

Anonymous said...

Yes, both of the surveys matched. In the beginning, before we did these surveys, I knew I was a Democrat. With the surveys backing me up, there’s no doubt I am. I think that it doesn’t matter which political party you like the best but what each candidate has in mind. It’s much more important what the candidate is going to do or in most cases, says what they’re going to do. Further more, what their beliefs are. Like many say, look on the inside and not just the outside. I think that I should vote on the issues. I’m not going to just vote some random candidate for president just for the fact that their in my favorite political party. I’m going to vote depending on what they’re going to do about the environmental, economical and immigration crisis.

Anonymous said...

Both surveys say that I support Obama. In class we found out that I was more republican but the surveys say that I am more democratic. The party I thought I was supporting is different from what the surveys said. I think it is more important to match your beliefs to either candidate then rather choosing one candidate. I think I should vote for the issues instead of whom I want to win.


Pony Girl

Anonymous said...

Social Studies Election Assignment: My political party is democratic based on the two surveys I did on the bog. Both surveys said I strongly agree with how Obama is going to make a difference in our country. The surveys backed up how I felt before I did any of them at all. If I had the chance to vote I would base my vote on the candidate him/herself not on my political party. Every person is different and that’s why I wouldn’t base my vote on the political party I have stuck with for the past years. Part of the reason I would like to see Obama win the election and become president is, I like how he is determined to meet his goals. I believe that if Obama wants to change something he will with no question. After listening to the presidents speak on TV, Obama seems smart and experienced enough to run our country without a doubt. He’s a great speaker and knows what he’s talking about.

Anonymous said...

Both surveys gave me a different answer. In class I said I was a democrat one survey said I agree with the democrats more but the other said I matched up with the republicans. I think matching by beliefs to those of the candidates because when you're voting for someone, political party matters but what they're beliefs are matters more. If you're voting for someone that is not who you agree with but just because he is in the political party you like, then you should think twice about your vote.

Anonymous said...

In both surveys I was matched up with Barak Obama and in class i was a democrat, (nothing different from in class.)

I think that it helps more when you vote for what you believe the cure (or help) for the cause is instead of who the nominees are.
I personally wouldn't worry about the political party necessarily, you should choose the opinion that almost mirrors what you think and/or believe in.
To me the opinion given is more important than the political party itself!


Anonymous said...

In the packet that Ms. Wellman gave us, I supported the Democratic Party. In the two quizzes that were on the blog I supported Barack Obama on almost all the issues. I think it is more important to match your beliefs with those of the candidate and vote for them because that is what you believe in, not because they are from a certain party.

Anonymous said...

In my surveys I leaned a lot more towards Barack Obama. In class I was definitely more of a democrat, so nothing new there. Although in one of my surveys I leaned a little bit less to Barack’s side, I was still democratic.

I think matching your beliefs is better because one election year the republicans could say something way different than what they say the next time.

I think you should vote via beliefs instead of candidates because maybe you lean more to the republican side on one issue and more to the democrat side on another issue.

Anonymous said...

My survey was matched with John McCain and in class I was Republican.

What matters the most is what candidate will make the right decision for you and the ones you care for.

In any election the little issues is what makes the candidate the better choice. Not what political party they repressent.

Anonymous said...

Both surveys match up and tell me that I support Barak Obama for president. My political party in class was democrat and was the same on the survey. I think matching your beliefs to those of the candidates is more important that your political party because your political party should be chosen by who supports your beliefs. You should vote on the issues is more important than supporting a political party because when voting you get to chose on what you believe in and what you think is the best decision not what the candidate thinks is the best decision.

Anonymous said...

Yes, both of the surveys matched,in the beginning before i did these surveys, I knew I was a Democrat anyway.

Not everything depends on whom you like better as candidates it’s who will do better as a president, with their ideas in mind and the issues they are willing to help.

People may think its on whom they like better but the thing you need to think about is will this person do good to the world or just make it a dump and not take us out of war .

Anonymous said...

In class I was a Decorate from the quiz, but when I took survey 2 on the blog, it said I agree more with McCain. I think it was because I wanted to vote for a demarcate. The stereotype it is and that all my friends and family are strong demarcates was the main problem. I also didn’t look at what McCain’s opinions are on issues as much as I did with Obama. I thought he was going to be just like bush because he was a republican, but it turns out that’s not true. That lead me into my next point that people shouldn’t vote for someone for their political party because that was what I would have done before this, but I think it’s important for all of us to keep our minds open for any candidate and what their views are.

Anonymous said...

Both of my surveys said I was with john McCain. I was so relieved because I go hunting and if Obama was elected I could not hunt because I use a rifle to hunt and I could not use a bow and arrow. I also wanted McCain because he wants to drill for oil and I would want lower gas prices. I think we should up border patrol because illegal immigrants are using our health care and that is why our hospitals are doing so badly. I think all illegal immigrants should be fined, have to learn English and become real citizens. I think we should see the war in Iraq out because we have already been there awhile so we should finish it. I agree mostly with McCain so I would vote for him 100 percent. The page in class said I was a republican too. I would vote for a party only if the appeal with me more no matter the candidate.

Anonymous said...

My answers match up with Obama, we are both democrats so we most likely were to have similar beliefs. We both think about Iraq the same way, how our troops have suffered and been through enough and to take them home. We also think that gun ownership shouldn’t just be for whoever, we share same ideas.
I don’t really care what political party the president will be but if they don’t do things that I think will truly help our country then they’re obviously gonna be no interest to me. I was voting for Obama from the very beginning, but these quizzes show me how much democrats are the same.
The things they will do in office are the most important not what party they are. Say you are a republican so you vote for McCain, now he completely ruins the country, the economy completely folds and everyone loses jobs, homes and money. Now would you still want him as president? No now that’s just an example but we don’t want anything like that to happen so don’t vote on nothing important vote for what matters not your party.

Anonymous said...

In the class we had to fill out a packet and i was democrat and when i took the test 1 and 2 i got the same results as i did in the packet my result was Obama. I would think that the issues are imporant then the political party because the issues are what the election is all about and what your votting for in life. My belifes are very important than the poltical party because its more my belifes are my thoughts not everyone elses thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Survey number 1 showed that I agreed with Barack Obama a lot more
than I agreed with John McCain. It
shows that I'm more for the Democratic Party this year. In class I said was an independent.

Anonymous said...

My Results

By what I wrote in the packet for class I am Republican. Survey 1 says I would vote for Obama and survey 2 says the same. My political party was Republican, but the surveys matched me up to Obama.
I think that matching your beliefs is more important than your political party because I think you should have a world that you like; not a world you hate with a political party you like. Even if in class I was proven to be a Republican, I agree with Obama on the issues that are most important to me, such as: abortion, energy and border control; therefore I would vote for Obama over McCain. So I think beliefs come before political party.
According to what I said before I think you should vote on the issues over the political party. For example, you are Republican, but you agree with most things Obama says, and you disagree with most things McCain says; then you should vote for Obama because it is better to vote for someone you agree with than to vote for someone in the party you like. So therefore it is better to vote for your beliefs than it is to vote for your favorite political party.

Anonymous said...

When I took the survey, I was matched up with Barack Obama, just like in class.

You should vote based on your beliefs becauase if you didn't, someone could be in the Oval Office with the oppositte beliefs as yours.

Anonymous said...

In my survey, I was matching up with Barak Obama and I was a Democrat.

It matters that you follow your ideals and do what you think is write.

You should vote for what your beliefs and how america should be run.

Anonymous said...

In class I was a democrat and I was also a democrat on the survey if I could vote it would definetely be for obama

Anonymous said...

All the results on survey 1 say I am more democratic. On survey 2 I was more republican. So I guess I am in between. I thought I was a more democratic but I guess not. I think it is more important to match up my beliefs to the candidates no matter what party. I think you should vote with the person you agree with but if you don’t agree with ether candidate don’t vote or just vote for who you like more even if you don’t like ether person.

Anonymous said...

In class I was a Democrat but when I took both surveys I was matched up to John McCain and Barak Obama. It surprises me that I am apart of both democratic and republican party.

I think that it matters a lot when it comes to what you believe in and how you think that the country should be run, and by who.

I am still questioning that if I was aloud to vote who would I support....OBAMA or MCCAIN????


Anonymous said...

1. They do match up because I lean to the Republican side but I support Obama, really weird considering I think I am a democrat.
2. I think we all should vote on the issues at hand and not what the parties say.
3. Yes we should vote on issues so that we don’t lie on what the parties say.

Anonymous said...

After taking the two surveys I came to the conclusion that I am officially a democrat. In the packet where I had to write a written response on how I felt about our countries current issues I put a democratic answer to every question. In surveys one and two I agreed with Obama almost on every issue. This really compelled me because I never knew that I was a democrat.
I feel it is important to support the candidate whose beliefs most correspond with yours. The thing is, candidates of the same political party usually share the same opinions to some degree. Voters would typically take sides with a candidate from the same party only because corresponding political parties usually mean similar beliefs. Some people are convinced to strictly vote according to their political party but I think I’ll keep an open mind.
The point of voting is to support the candidate who you most agree with. Randomly supporting the candidate of the same party ultimately defeats the purpose of voting. If this were so, candidates would only need to convince people whether they are a democrat or republican rather than what they stand for.

Anonymous said...

In class I was proven to be a Democrat. When I took these survays, the results matched me with Barak Obama, so I was proven to be a Democrat. I think matching your beliefs to the candidates is more important then your political party because the candidate you pick needs to be what you look for in a president. Your not picking a whole party. Your picking one indivisual person from that political party. I think you should vote on the issue because if it is important to you and you care about it, you would want the person who would best approch the issue with the same beleifs you have.

Anonymous said...

In one survey i was matched up as a democrat but in the 2nd survey i was a republican. I said i was a republican in class and i guess im still independant. I believe in both canidates being good at their jobs but i lean much more towards McCain.

By: Miley Montana !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

whats up peeps